Food For Health
Simple Snack Options for the Whole30 Diet
The Whole30 program is a 30-day diet program that aims to build the habit of healthy eating and eliminates all processed and harmful foods from your diet. For 30 consecutive days, you are required to abstain from all types of grains, including healthy grains like quinoa, legumes, and processed food. You are also required to eliminate dairy from your diet, and the only dairy product you can consume on this diet is clarified butter or ghee. Instead, you are advised to up your intake of foods with higher nutritional value like fruits, lean meats as well as vegetables. Although planning meals and following the program may be relatively difficult as it requires you to eliminate a lot of food items from your diet, the major concern is the mid-meal snacking. Many of us are used to snacking unhealthy as we don’t think twice before grabbing a snack off the shelf in the supermarket or grocery store aisle. However, you must choose to eat simple snacks for the Whole30 diet and ensure a balance between satiating hunger between meals and eating healthy. Here are some foods with high nutritional value that you can add to your snack options: Walnuts Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fiber, which are the best nutrients to satiate cravings.
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