Skin Care Tips Post-Workout
The world is switching to a healthy lifestyle. Fitness and staying outdoors is the new mantra. While this shift is certainly rewarding and helps in many ways, here are few things one needs to make a note of when working out, especially for your skin.
That post-workout glow
There is no denying that after you work out, the glow on your face is unnoticeable. As the heart rate goes up, the blood vessels expand, which increases the oxygen and other nutrient levels on your body. This naturally leads to the post-workout glow.
While working out is good for the skin, overdoing it is where the problem lies. Exercising more than required can cause damage.
- Overheating
When your body’s temperature increases beyond a certain level, the body tends to overheat and cause excessive sweating. This creates more irritation and if you have sensitive skin, this could lead to further rashes and eczema. For example, Rosacea is caused when the body’s temperature increases.
- Hygiene is the key
There is a general tendency to hang out in one’s gym wear or sweaty sports bra without showering or prolonging the shower. Besides, working out with makeup on and the eventual sweat could also cause a lot of damage to the skin. A gentle wash right after a workout is crucial. A gentle soap could be used to get rid of the sweat and grime before it clogs your pores.
Skin with eczema and acne
There could be a situation where you have sensitive skin and you do not have access to shower right after workout. In such cases, ensure you carry wet wipes that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide as the key ingredient. However, if you continue to have further breakouts despite taking the best of the precaution, it is best to consult a dermatologist.
Watch your scalp
Frequent sweating can cause flakes on your scalp. However, it is also practically impossible to wash the hair every day after working out. Where shampooing is not an option, try and use dry shampoo. However, if you were to skip too many washes, it could cause dandruff.
What can you do?
While working out is directly related to one’s overall health and a glowing skin, it is important that the following is done to strike a balance and ensure that your skin glows all the time.
- Remove your makeup before working out
- Take short breaks in between. Give your body some time to get back to its normal temperature.
- Try and hit the shower right after a workout regime.
- Do not use extreme temperatures while taking a shower. Lukewarm temperature is always recommended for healthy skin.
- After a shower, do not wipe your body but pat dry.
- Wash your gym clothes frequently to avoid any skin rashes.