Foods That Relieve Heartburn and GERD

Foods That Relieve Heartburn and GERD

Heartburn and GERD or acid reflux is a disorder that occurs due to a malfunctioned esophagus. It occurs when the stomach fails to absorb food properly and increases acid production. The signs may include vomiting, a burning sensation in the throat and chest, and ailments in the stomach.

To overcome this, you must eat foods to prevent heartburn and GERD. Poor eating habits and long-time gaps between each meal are some of the basic reasons for acid reflux. Simultaneously, lack of exercise and dehydration can also add to the disorder.

Foods that help prevent heartburn and GERD
Following a healthy lifestyle and opting for foods that pose no danger for heartburn and GERD can reduce the risk by half. This prevents your stomach from producing unwanted acids as well. If you are unaware of the simple changes to make in your diet, have a look at the following:

High fiber foods
Fibrous foods tend to make you feel full, so you end up eating less, which may lead to heartburn and GERD. To prevent this, it is essential to load up on healthy fiber from food such as whole grains including couscous, brown rice, and oatmeal. Along with that, root vegetables like carrots, beetroots, and sweet potatoes and green vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, and green beans are great.

Alkaline food
Everything that you eat falls on the pH scale, an indicator of acid levels in the food. Those that have low pH levels are more acidic and more likely to cause reflux. Foods with higher pH are considered to be more alkaline and can help offset stomach acid. Bananas, cauliflower, melons, nuts, and fennel are examples of such alkaline foods.

Watery food
Water dilutes and weakens stomach acids. Opt for foods such as celery, cucumber, watermelon, lettuce, herbal tea, and broth-based soups to prevent heartburn and GERD.

There are different variations of milk, like whole milk with full fat, 2 percent fat, and skim or nonfat milk. While fatty milk can aggravate acid reflux, nonfat milk acts as a temporary buffer between acidic stomach contents and the stomach lining, providing immediate relief to heartburn symptoms. Low-fat yogurt has the same soothing qualities as milk and also contains a healthy dose of probiotics to help with digestion.

Ginger tops the list of digestive aids due to its medicinal properties. Its alkaline and anti-inflammatory properties ease irritation in the digestion tract. When you feel a bit of heartburn or GERD, try sipping on ginger tea for relief.

Apple cider vinegar
A survey stated that a lot many people swore by apple cider vinegar for acid reflux. However, a fully concentrated dose can irritate the esophagus. It is advised to put small amounts of cider vinegar in warm water and have it after meals.

Lemon water
Small amounts of lemon juice in warm water with some honey can neutralize stomach acid with its alkalizing effect. Also, the natural antioxidants in honey help keep the cells good and healthy.