5 Health Benefits of Using a Weighted Blanket
Weighted blankets are commonly used by occupational therapists to help with alleviating symptoms such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, and sensory related conditions. The weighted blanket works by applying pressure to the body, which helps the brain to release serotonin, a neurotransmitter that encourages the body to relax. When more serotonin is released; the person using the weighted blanket will feel less stressed and more calm.
The many health benefits of utilizing a weighted blanket include:
1. Weighted blankets relieve stress
Occupational therapists utilize pressure point therapy in order to help reduce the amounts of cortisol (the fight or flight hormone) the body produces and increase the amount of serotonin excreted. Serotonin is known as the “feel good” hormone because it helps instantly produce a feeling of peace and happiness. The release of serotonin and the decrease of cortisol will drastically reduce stress levels. Weighted blankets for anxiety are beneficial because just like stress, anxiety is reduced through pressure and release of serotonin.
2. Weighted blankets reduce restless leg syndrome
Deep touch pressure is often used to help distribute weight across your legs when you are suffering from restless leg syndrome. This technique also helps with pinched nerves and sore muscles. When restless legs occur they can often be calmed by the all over pressure created from utilizing a weighted blanket.
3. Weighted blankets aid in treating ADHD
When an adult or child is experiencing a meltdown caused by ADHD a weighted blanket can be utilized. Weighted blankets for ADHD will help ground the body. When too many sensations are happening at one point and a meltdown is occurring a weighted blanket will help remove stimulants and enable the person to focus on the calming effects of the blanket rather than the other sensations.
4. Weighted blankets replace sleep aids
There is nothing wrong with utilizing melatonin and other natural remedies such as diffusing lavender or relaxing sounds to help you drift off into a restful sleep. In some cases the body just cannot relax. Those relying on prescribed sleep aids may find themselves becoming a bit too reliant on them to fall asleep and stay asleep. A great way to achieve a restful night sleep is to use all homeopathic methods first and incorporate a weighted blanket. The blanket will release serotonin and calm aching and stiff muscles.
5. Weighted blankets promote a grounding effect
When we feel unsafe or anxious, therapists often tell us to lie down or get close to the ground in order to feel grounded and safe. It is believed that the electromagnetic system in our bodies needs to make contact with the earth to release pent up energy. The feeling produced is similar to being pushed downward and is very relaxing. Laying on the ground is not always feasible yet weighted blankets create a sensation of being grounded and cocooned in safety.