Easy-To-Make, Healthy Snacks for Kids

Easy-To-Make, Healthy Snacks for Kids

Kids require snacks in between meals owing to the energy spent in being active throughout the day. At the same time, this constant demand for something delicious leads most parents to opt for packaged snacks. Most packaged snacks available in the market contain added sugar, artificial food colors, and refined flour. Additionally, they are extremely unhealthy for kids as they are high in unhealthy fats, which ultimately increases the risk of developing harmful diseases in the future.

Instead, you can opt for healthy and easy snacks for kids, which will ensure that your kids’ health is not compromised, while also not taking up too much of your time for preparation. You can prepare these at home with simple ingredients available in your kitchen. Here are some snacks that you can give your kid the next time you want to satiate those mid-meal hunger pangs:

  • Yogurt
    Nothing is better than simple and nutritious yogurt for a snack. Doctors consider yogurt as one of the healthiest and easiest snack options for kids. It is also a great source of protein as well as calcium, which are extremely important for the growth and development of the bones. Additionally, it is rich in probiotics, which boosts digestion. You can also opt for Greek yogurt, but the packages available in the market contain added flavors and sugar, which is not healthy. So, it is better to opt for plain yogurt, and you can add fruits and honey to this for a delicious yet healthy snack.
  • Nuts
    Including nuts in your kids’ daily diet is beneficial as they are rich in healthy fats, fiber as well as antioxidants. Nuts are considered to be a healthy and easy snack option for kids as they also have dietary fat, which is necessary for healthy growth in children. A lot of doctors do not recommend including nuts in your kid’s daily diet to reduce the risk of developing allergies, but research says that giving nuts to kids at an early age reduces their risk of developing allergies toward them.
  • Popcorn
    Popcorn is a nutritious whole grain, making it a healthy and easy snack for kids. You can surely give popcorn as snacks to your kids, but ensure that you are not adding any extra toppings. If you want to make it tastier without reducing its health benefits, you can simply add butter or cheese for flavor.
  • Oatmeal
    This is yet another healthy and easy snack for kids, and it can also make for a healthy breakfast option. Oats contain soluble fiber, which boosts the growth rate of good bacteria inside the digestive tract and improves gut health. It is best to avoid flavored oats as they contain added sugar; instead, prepare oatmeal with rolled oats, and add cinnamon powder, along with sliced fruits, for flavor.