Dietary Tips for Snacking with High Cholesterol

Dietary Tips for Snacking with High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that the liver produces, and its levels can fluctuate due to frequent and large quantity consumption of animal products like dairy products, eggs, and meat. Heavy consumption of animal protein hinders the ability of the liver to produce cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol does not cause too much harm to the cholesterol levels in the body, but heavy consumption of saturated fat, refined sugar, and trans fat might result in high cholesterol.

If you have high cholesterol levels, ensure that you are investing time in regular exercising and choosing guilt-free snacks for high cholesterol instead of eating whatever you feel like without thinking about the consequences. Following these tips in your daily life can help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Consuming food items that are good for high cholesterol will ensure that the Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol levels go down and High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol increases, which will help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Listed here are some dietary tips to follow if you have high cholesterol:

  • Consume fiber-rich foods
    If you have high cholesterol, it is advisable for you to consume a high amount of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber is present in large quantities in legumes, apples, flax seeds, whole grains, and beans. The human body does not produce enough enzymes that will help in digesting the soluble fiber, so it is not absorbed when it moves through the digestive tract that absorbs water. If you want to lower cholesterol levels, it is best to consume guilt-free snacks for high cholesterol.
    Consuming fiber regularly helps in lowering bad cholesterol levels, which is quite beneficial. It is best if you include at least ten grams of fiber in your daily diet if you want to maintain healthy cholesterol levels in your body.
  • Include spices and herbs
    Most herbs and spices contain all the essential vitamins and minerals, and it has been found that turmeric, ginger, and garlic are quite helpful in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol. If you consume garlic every morning, it helps maintain cholesterol levels in the body over the long run. Apart from that, herbs and spices contain a large number of antioxidants, which help in lowering the levels of LDL cholesterol. This, in turn, prevents oxidation and leads to a reduction in the chances of plaque formation inside the arteries. Herbs and spices can also be used to add flavor to food when preparing guilt-free snacks for high cholesterol.
  • Follow the Mediterranean diet
    Incorporating changes in dietary habits and lifestyle is one of the easiest ways to maintain healthy cholesterol levels in your body. Among all the other forms of diet, the Mediterranean diet is the most effective as it includes olive oil, vegetables, whole grains, less red meat, and dairy products, which are extremely helpful in lowering the chances of developing high cholesterol issues.